Minggu, 30 Maret 2014

Personal Description

Personal Description

    My name is Rudi Hartono Aditia , but my friends call me Acong or Bucek I was born on June 24, 1992 in Yogyakarta special region . I live in Gandul , has one brother and two sisters , one of my family are married . I have a father and mother who I love very much and always be my motivation to become more useful .

              I started school my seven years of age , in elementary school Jamali V , and graduated in 2004 after which I went back to junior high school junior high school junior in the country 3 mande graduated in 2007 and continued to return to the vocational school is SMK AR - Rahmah in 2010 after graduating pd SMK , I continued my education back to one of the private universities in Depok . Now I am still a student of the Department of Management at the University Gunadarma . Currently I have been at the end of the semester or the semester 8 .

About Hobbies
            My hobbies are sport because I think sports is one of the very profitable hobby ourselves personally , we can be healthy in addition we can also avoid a negative thing , because I think sport is identical to the body's health or physical fitness

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